Promoting Relief Efforts and Education for Those in Need

Method of Operation:


KGRF will provide financial assistance directly to recipients of our cause. The funds raised may also be given to other charitable organizations and educational  institutions associated with relief efforts and education of economically deprived children by making contributions directly to organizations associated with those causes.


About Us

KGRF was established in April 2013, In Pennsylvania, USA with the object of promoting education and literacy among the socio-economically disadvantaged children with emphasis on female education.

It was started with personal contributions from Bakhshish Singh Sandhu MD and Karj Singh Sandhu and their families providing the seed money to launch this project. It is our hope that once people recognize the efforts they would join in making it a much larger campaign to promote education, gender and human equality.

About Sikh faith

Sikhism is a monotheistic faith that originated in Punjab, the geographical region now called Indian Subcontinent about the end of 15th century. It is one of the youngest of the major world religions. The fundamental beliefs of Sikhism, articulated in the sacred Scripture Siri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS), include faith and meditation on the name of one creator of universe, equality of all mankind, engaging in selfless service, striving for social justice, gender equality, and honest conduct while living a householder’s life. Sikhism is a monistic religion with the basic concept that there is one supreme entity controlling the entire universe. This entity is referred to as Ik Onkar (one God).

Sikhism is based on spiritual teachings of Guru Nanak (the founder of Sikhism) and successive ten Gurus, SGGS being the last. The Sikh Holy Scripture (SGGS) is considered the last living Sikh Guru. Guru Nanak established Kartarpur (Creator’s town) around 1520 and gathered the original core of Sikh Panth (community) there.

Before his death Guru Gobind Singh (the tenth Sikh Guru) bestowed the Gurship (Gurgadhi) to SGGS. The SGGS thus became the literal embodiment of the eternal, impersonal Guru, where the scripture’s word serves as the spiritual guide for the Sikhs. Sikhism rejects claims that any one religion has a monopoly on the Absolute Truth (God). Guru Gobind Singh ordained all Sikhs to follow Sikhism according to the teaching as described in SGGS and not to follow any other scripture.

Sikhism emphasizes Simran (meditation on words of SGGS) that can be expressed musically through Kirtan (singing hymns) or through Nam Japo (repeating God’s name-Waheguru) and means to feel His presence. It teaches the followers to avoid or rather control five vices of life (lust, rage, greed, attachment and conceit). Guru Nanak taught that living an active, creative, and practical life of truthfulness, fidelity, self-control and purity is above the metaphysical truth, and that ideal person is one who “establishes union with God, knows His Will, and carries out that Will”.

The basis of Sikhism lies in the teachings of Guru Nanak and his successors. The essence of Sikh teaching is summated by Guru Nanak, “Realization of truth is higher than all else. Higher still is truthful living”. Followers of Sikhism are called Sikhs. The word Sikhism is derived from a Punjabi word Sikhi (Sikh faith) with its roots in Sikhna (to learn).