Bakhshish Singh Sandhu, M.D
Khalsa Global Reach Foundation Empowering People To Be Their Best
KGRF is a charitable foundation organization that has been established to promote education and provide medical aid, clothing, food, and shelter to the victims of natural disasters in the United States as well as various countries around the world. The foundation gives students books, uniforms, and tuition assistance.

Gurvarinder Kaur Sandhu
President Khalsa Global Reach Foundation, Inc.
Helping the Less Fortunate
Wherever possible, KGRF will provide assistance and give money directly to the recipients of our cause. The funds raised will also be given to other charitable organizations that promote relief efforts as well as the education of economically deprived children. We are also willing to spend our own money to ensure that these people in need get the support they deserve.
Who We Are
KGR Foundation was established in April 2013 in Pennsylvania, USA. Our main objective is to promote education and literacy among socioeconomically disadvantaged children, particularly young girls. Bakhshish Singh Sandhu, MD and Karj Singh Sandhu, along with their families, personally contributed the seed money needed to launch our project.

We are hoping that once people recognize the significance of our efforts, they will consider joining our cause. With enough donors and partners, we can create a much larger campaign that promotes not just education but also gender and human equality.